Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 2: Stockton, AL

houston: wounded duck has found dry dock, over. rear wheel is back to 100% for now; however, could have a potential spoke issue down the road, over. with just a half day in today, houston, the sortie for tomorrow is to get out of the shoot early and make grove hill, alabama tomorrow. 65 miles of rollers.
stand by mission control for today's count: 35 miles
time elapsed: 3:15
converstations with the local folk: 4
attempts to adjust the correct seat height: 3
final destination: camp delta (kinda fitting) in the middle of nowhere, alabama
hound dogs: 8
dead armadillos on road: 4
thunderstorms incurred: 0, however it appears they are currently inbound
time to choke down dinner and hit the rack, houston. resume transmission tomorrow night. wounded duck out.

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